Just a plain ol' blog about my life.

Friday, July 30, 2004


i had a crap-tastic day off... mostly because i worked... at 2 places...

first was at the pool.... i dunno nothing interesting happened, except that yesterday jeanette quit... the day was fairly average, i was content and what not.. whatever.

then i worked at party america... it was wierd because everything was re-arranged and i had no idea where anything was... but i found cool lunch boxes and i bought one for kim, i went to deliver it, but she wasn't home... or she was asleep.... whatever, i left it on her stairs with a note.

im in a very subdued mood, if you can't tell... im not really depressed or anything, just very calm... i haven't talked to jeff at all today, and i now have to go pick up a pizza coz papa john's messed up our order.... yea, so im just bored, and i made this post more out of a feeling of necesity than to actually say anything. the end.


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