Just a plain ol' blog about my life.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

big update

ok, so i realise i have not updated since before i went to florida, except that one that was just for the sake of updating.

flordia was awsome, i had a total blast, i think i could have spent the whole week in just downtown disney with a crapload of money, but then i couldn't have gone to the other places. i got lots of neet things in the japan store at epcot. one night at downtown disney cathrine, ashley and i had fun using gaydar to figure out who was or who wasn't gay, we got about 53 i think, just in one night. that could be because june is pride month and the orlando gay days were fast approaching. while i was there i discovered a cool gay mag called genre. i also bought this totaly ghey shirt in the 'cirque' store. i could go on for hours and hours about florida, but that might bore you.

anyway, i got home and my dad found my genre and threw them away, i recovered them by sneaking out of the house at 2 in the morning before garbage day. it was cool.

other than that i have been spending the last month or two working. i have a fairly nice tan i supose.

i told jocie and joah about jeff tonight (lots of 'j's lol) jocie didn't seem to take it too well (sorry hun... don't feel bad i understand) but joah was happy for me. i still need to tell kim, i don't know how that will go over.... anyway, that is about it, no really juicy details...


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