Just a plain ol' blog about my life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

heinz post

catchup posts are fun!

well it is sortof a catchup post, not a whole lot has happend siince my last post. on saturday i went to troy. lots of naked brad pitt. it was an ok movie, but im not into those sorta action/history movies. i didn't think gladiator was very good either so meh whatever. anyway, troy had lots of cool fight scenes.... lots of lame other scenes too.

work was sucky tongight. not that it was busy or annoying or anything, but i was tired and hungry and hot the whole time. not to mention that i just gernaly didn't want to be there. i wanted to be here playing puzzle pirates.

speaking of puzzle pirates, that is why i have not posted in a while. and for those wondering, the reason my last post was like 4, it was coz blogger was being stupid and pretending not to work when it really was.


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