fun stuff
ok at work today, this one 'pimp daddy' with his 'tripped out' car 'rolled up' near the paper wharehouse. "ok," i think, "even people like that go to parties that include theames." then he gets out and goes to NSR - national salon resource. keep in mind he did this just before it closed. anyway, nsr is like a hair product place, and only people who work in salons or are in the direct family of people with salon license can buy things from the majority of the store. so this guy goes and buys stuff and leaves. i am laughing my ass off, thinking 'what a queer' cus i think joah and i are the only two who ever go in there, and he was one of those people who worry so much about their cars. it was ammusing cuz he went late so nobody would see him.
tonight is a hot guy night on tv, like every channel i go to has a hot guy on it. so i shall go drool. g'night
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