Just a plain ol' blog about my life.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


horray! my LJ account still exists, but don't worry, i will keep this one for my life, but if you would like to read about my sea monkies go here.

it is very old, but im thinking of getting some new monkies and continuing to update that journal. if the comedy of my monkies is enjoyable to you all i will definatly comence to update, and perhaps move there eventualy...

well about today. i have employed two spies to find out who Joah has a crush on... I can't wait! more drama in other peoples lives... Josiah can no longer go to prom with Molly, since he is going to New York for national dace competiton, and that girl is PISSED. Naomi is naturally quite happy about this arrangement, but *shhh* i didn't tell you that. Also, since Richard isn't going to prom, his special date from New York won't be comming. Well i supose Richard won't be too mad since they will be in NY anyway. But, that means Brittany and Richards plans are ruined. Details: they hate Naomi and don't want her in Josaiah's life or something lame like that, so they set up this huge thing to get Molly to ask Josiah to prom. I dunno how the whole thing goes, but it is very interesting. I really don't know why Richard wants Josiah dating Molly, since Richard wishes Josiah was gay... maybe he is hoping Molly would be a terrible girlfreind.....

ahhh, that feels good to gossip, i wish i had something in MY life to talk about, but i don't... oh well.


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